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Poetry in the style of T.S. Eliot


by Sammie Blicker 


They say the process is easy

If you don't procrastinate
I’d have to disagree
As I'm standing at the gate


Anxiety enters my body
Like an infections pandemic disease

I'm standing in front of the gate

Without any of the keys.


So much to do
With such little time
The list continues to grow

Like a hurricane grocery line


For three long years we have striven

The wondrous goal to gain
But now as I stand at the gate
My ankle gets yanked by a chain


The future is on the other side

In a bright white castle
Who knew this whole process

Would be such a hassle


My heart races fast enough

to light fire to the land
An eye like Mars’

to threaten and command.

Hopes for a Future

by Flower Cintron


A young girl can dream of what she will be.

She can have hopes for a future she cannot see.

Maybe she will grow up and follow after Ginsburg;

But maybe she will become an even greater female activist.


Either way,

Time passes before the blink of an eye.

Relapsing into a quickly ending cycle of all memories and emotions.

It seems that mouse could run around the clock an infinite number to times;

and she will still have a clock full of memories, and dreams.

The question is; will she learn how to make the best use of her time?


As a young girl, all she has is time.

She has a plan she wishes to carry out;

A dream to be Gloria Steinem,

Perhaps a dream to be the next Rankin.

A dream to be a person of change in this world.


But in the end, the universe will decide for her.

She has learned; that throughout time,

The plan she had for her life will not always occur.

Disappointment has occurred, but in the end, she will acquire success.


A young girl can dream of what she will be.

Eventually she will feel a sense of fear

A sense of her stomach dropping at the thought of not succeeding.

In the end, she must cast all of her cares, which may be difficult,

But lucky for her, time will momentarily be on her side.

Faded Attraction

by Maxine Danni



He commenced a slight attraction to her 

And made his commitment clear as day

He grew anxious 

All he wanted was to be spotted 

by the girl he admired.



She was certain of his attraction for her

At first, she was afraid

Afraid of  rejection

Afraid of her heart breaking like a piece of glass

And afraid of committing. 



He began making his desire more clear

He realized he wanted her and only her

Communications between them grew strong

The butterflies in his stomach expanded until he couldn’t feel anything else

But butterflies drifted away swiftly.



Meanwhile, her butterflies grew larger and larger each day

Her affection strengthened every time he looked at her

Her happiness shined brighter than the sun

She looked forward to everyday that she saw him

Her life was all figured out.



Suddenly his commitment faded

His anxiety left his body

And his admiration became non-existent

All that was left

Was a girl, head over heals for a guy that didn’t want her anymore. 

Secret Escape of the Mind

by Shelby Coleman



The point where the water affectionately kissed the sand

Miniature foot-stamps lined the moldable ground

The occasional seashell punctured soft skin

White-capping rhythmically



A picturesque escape for the brain

I visited that piece of paradise often that summer

When the thunder violently rolled its tongue

I simply hopped on a boat

And went



To be completely transparent,

Sometimes even that fair dream isle

Succumbed to the compulsion of the storm

Palm fronds displaced throughout

The area of the once idyllic land



That sinful parasite

It poisoned my blood and polluted my thoughts

Only to be cured by the brisk and blissful

Scent of salt and tropics



A secret escape of the mind

It will be the salvation for us all

The point where the water affectionately kissed the sand

Turn away from evil and do good;

Seek peace and pursue it

Dannie and Coleman

Picture in the Mirror

by Sara Goodwich



Mirrors swallow hatred

They engulf the words

That bullies the mind

We stand as bystanders




We watch the show it presents to us

Investing ourselves in the plot

Critiquing the story

Bolding the parts that spoil the story

That just do not make sense




The mirror only displays an outline

But this doesn't stand permanent

A stretch can be erased

Removed and changed

It's up to us to draw

To grab a brush

Forcefully swipe it

To be the painter, the creator




Can we accept? 

Should we agree?

Are we really pretty?

Does a thank you reply

Make us stuck up?

Does pink help us see ourselves for acceptance?

Or is it play?




The mirror can throw up

It can take its words

Crumble them up and cast them away

We can change the mirror

We can show who our reflections are from inside.

Roads Unknown

by Samara Jivani


Lying at our feet
Are the roads
Consumed with hopes and fears,

Dreams and nightmares,

Motivations and expectations


We stand still only to envision
An inch of our future, that continues to build
Our roads leading into jungles of honking horns and screeching breaks,

calming beaches with powdery snow backed by steep chalky cliffs,
And tiny towns neighbored by tinier towns


The roads cross over
bleeding the present into futures

That we can only imagine
With glimmers of hope in our eyes


Those on our path will seek,
what other paths would detest
Our roads today line up,
yet two hundred and forty days from now will disband


Each road now filled with new hopes and alternate fears

The roads that continue to evolve Till life realizes its end

Goodwich and Jivani

The Beautiful Cycle

by Danielle Jaffe




A petal falls

The imperfect flower sits

And it gifts its shedding weight

to a shelf below.

We watch

And slowly a crack appears.


Another petal falls.

So small and insignificant

But the crack below grows.

A petal falls,

The imperfect flower sits

Oh, the things we must carry!





To bear the weight

We often find ourselves




We gasp for air.

We try to carry the burden

But with each petal

our shoulders hurt

And the crack grows.


Row Row Row your boat


We must keep going





Such a small thing

One single petal

It effortlessly floats and lands,

Unaware of its contribution.


It's almost as if the weight could go unnoticed,

But it doesn't

We see it

We feel it





The shelf continues to crack.

One petite petal falls,

But it lands on the hundreds

that have already fallen,

All of which balance

on a cracked surface.


Yet, after some time

the petals get removed,

Or they fall off of the shelf,

Or they fall through the crack.

They are gone,

And the cracked surface is repaired

And we can finally breathe.




As the petal plummets

We catch it.

As the crack grows

It is fixed.

We no longer gasp for air.

The imperfect flower grows new petals,

And the cycle continues.

Floating Between Two Seas

by Ceci Nakfoor



She is the girl who floats

The girl who doesn’t belong

And wishes

That she could dive

Into the water, wherever or whatever

That may be and

Experience what the others see


She floats between two seas, the

South and North

Waves pull her in both directions


Dancing with Mason and Dixon. 



She feels the currents 

From both seas yet

The North’s swell tends to be stronger

My waves are the best in the world

It says 

But the Southern sea seems surprisingly familiar

Her ship is ready but

Will she sail for England or for Spain?


Her mother swims below in the South Sea

Her father in the North

So she continues to float 

And simply waves down at them from above

Winds blow in both directions

or not at all




Sometimes she surrenders to a pull

And takes a dip

More frequently under 

The North Sea’s surface

Coming up to breathe

Coming up to breathe




Don’t Cry for Me Argentina


More lost than Magellan

There’s no place like home

And the tornado is coming

Where’s the yellow road?



The girl who floats

Stares aimlessly at the sky 

Trying to forget her displacement


Oh Beautiful for Spacious Skies


Sometimes she sees birds

Fly high and by

But where is

The thing with feathers?



But the tides they are a-changin’

And the tempest is almost here so


You must

Must take a side


This is how it ends

This is how it ends

Above her waves make grand collisions

She sinks without a firm decision.

Jaffe and Nakfoor

A Tribute to RGB

by Abby Sinberg


The loss of an idol leaves me hopeless

A country run by men

Taking away my rights

This grievance is today

Tomorrow we fight


She fought

Women’s Rights matter

2nd woman to sit in

Changing the entire game


I look for a leader

Kamala I follow

Paving the way

Black and Asian

Feminine and powerful


We need a voice

Caring yet impactful

Not undermining the work

Women are not subject

Like it says so in the book


America needs to rise up

Wise up

Her job is not done

No where close

Not until 9


by Ariana Kodad


Like worn rope

Dark but faded

Rough against skin

Numbing among thoughts


Twist and turns around and within

Pulling closer

Pulling farther

Pulling tighter


Like worn thoughts

Dark and infinite

Effortlessly pushing

Effortlessly hurting


Nails break the skin

But thoughts break the heart

Hands gipped around rope

Pulling them farther apart


Like worn emotions

Dizzy and lost

Spun upside down in a world of thoughts

Like worn rope

Used and torn

Sinberg and Kodad


by Sydney Schiller




Trouble walks on four legs

Trouble walks on four skinny long legs.

Covered in thin strands of fur,

Smelling of whisky and cigaret-butts.

Trouble keeps their head close to the ground.


Sniffing for loose hamburger buns

      And the sweet powdered sugar from old beignets.


Wary of strangers, yet knew who to trust.

Like the morning star just after he’d fallen

trouble was bruised, beaten, and vengeful.



A cacophony of trumpets, loud drunkards, and taxis. Trouble hated the marching bands,

But not as much as the drunkards.


Trouble had a tail.

Had a long silk tail indeed,

Her tail now a lusterless pinkish-grey

Slowly sweeping the grime away.


This was a fools den

And trouble ran the show

Unbeknownst to them.



The city is bloated with tourists

And trouble despised tourists.

And their gremlins especially

Not for the reason one thinks

No not at all


It is anger





Every time one would go near

The loud booms of thunder

And thrashing rains soaked her body

She was back in the yard.

As some terrible exertion named Katrina

Lay waste to her old life.

Tied up like a beast


How could they do that to her?



As some terrible exertion named Katrina

Lay waste to her old life.

Tied up like a beast


How could they do that to her?

No more little girls.

No more pigtails and

Absolutely no more sleepovers.


The trumpets grew louder

as trouble trots along side

Horse drawn carriages.

The smell of crawfish and daiquiris.

Her nose perks up.

     She sees him.



Trouble is fast

Wickedly fast.

Terribly and utterly fast.

Sprinting past the old tombs and beaten down

cable cars.

Trouble is flying through the night

New Orleans beneath her chewed up ears.


Trouble feels joy

For the first time in a long time

Practically jumping into big hairy arms.

Trouble has stinky breath and an enormous tongue. “Shilo! Shilo! Oh I missed you so much girl”

Then Trouble remembered.

She remembered her name

in the arms of a new life.

Schiller and Trope

This is the City

by Jamie Trope



This is where

The city lives.

Exposed to air,

A dirty skinned knee

Against the body of the land.


From the sill of a window

Lies the stars,

With planets standing up on

Knees just as dirty.


Air thin enough to gasp,

Hoping the window closed

Fast enough.



This is where

The city works.

Stone pillars span from

Floor to ceiling –

Flecks of dirt fall in

Snowflake formation from above.


Here, the butterflies squirm

Along the ground.

Pupa, larvae, ants.

They will never grow wings.



This is where

The city never goes,

Where the city used to live,

Where the city now throws its trash.


Splitting headache,

With the upperworld

Held above on strong shoulders.

Live moves slowly where the city never goes.


Ground thick with

Sluggish slime and ooze,

Holding the city structure together with a


Quickly running out of holes.



This is where

The city’s Foolish venture,

Where they try to pry upon things past.

Dull minerals embedded,

The city’s rivets,

Can thrust the Foolish up towards the stars

And butterflies with real wings.

A shame no one ever returns –

Toxic air and all.



This is where

The city always sleeps.


This is the empty.

It is empty.

There is only


The empty steals all else

And coughs back up



The empty pulls,

And keeps pulling.


This is where the city

Will lie soon enough,

And then it will be the empty.

And then there will be only

More levels



The city will sleep in dirt,

With wingless butterflies crawling around

On top,

And one day the foolish will venture to the city,

Just as they have always done.


The city sinks,

And this is not the first time.


The Empty was once the City.

Death's Respiration

by Emma Yurko



(One breath)

Breathing is a luxury

And it’s one I can no longer afford

I used to breath at my leisure

I no longer have this pleasure 

Why didn't I treasure it more?



Breathing isn’t supposed to cost a thing

(Two breath)

Yet I owe so much debt

From the bet with Death

That left me wrecked

With no breaths left,



Gasping for that familiar taste

Similar to the nothingness in space

(Three breath)

I can’t find a trace

But if I keep breathing at this pace

I’m afraid I’ll be met with his grace,



I know one things for certain

The curtains once risen

Are quickly closed

(Four breath)

And the audience has dozed

But I must keep myself composed,



As God’s breath leaves my system

I hope someone will grieve my existence

So as I prepare to leave

But not without my last inhalation

(Five breath)

The signal for my final exhalation,



I think of what I could have achieved

If I hadn’t been so naïve

Believing I could have deceived

Death in a game of peace

Now I must cease


(final breath).


Yurko and Sullivan

The Monster Under the Bed 

by Keely Sullivan



Spotlights slowly fading in and out of the lids of my eyes

Quivering from the circulating wind above

Pulling each layer closer and closer to my body

Fear filling the room as the twilight rises higher each second



The “monster under the bed” childish mantra hitting me with full force

The black hole peering at me every direction I turn

I can’t get away from it

The haunting complexion stuck in my head like glue



The Dark creeped closer to me 

Starring at me intentionally

He left me with no escape plan

I forcefully shut my eyes.



Finally, relief at once

He was gone but not completely

My pulse fluctuating up and down  

Sleep tempted His disappearance



But even behind my eyelids

His face never seemed to fade

"My heart was bursting.

The moment had come. I was face to face with the angel of death."

The Girl Who Wanted

by Nina Pitonakova​



Young and innocent

Free and rebellious

All the girl wanted to do was have some fun.


She didn’t want to be bothered by


She didn’t want to be held down by


All she wanted was to have fun.


To have fun

A sense of escape,

A sense of escape

A feeling of freedom,

A feeling of freedom

Getting a taste of power.



Wild and lost

Sweet and found

All the girl wanted was to be saved.


She didn’t want to be bothered by


She didn’t want to be held down by


All she wanted was to be saved.


To be saved

A sense of comfort,

A sense of comfort

A feeling of happiness,

A feeling of happiness

Finding a caretaker.



Selfish and narcissistic

Hardworking and kind

All the girl wanted was to be better.

She didn’t want to have

Forced friends.

She didn’t want to have

Everything handed to her.

All she wanted was to be better.


To be better

A sense of accomplishment,

A sense of accomplishment

A feeling of pride,

A feeling of pride

Realizing she’s now selfless.



Honest and fair

Tough and smart

All the girl wanted was to be stronger.


She didn’t want to be

Picked on.

She didn’t want to be


All she wanted was to be stronger.


To be stronger

A sense of safety,

A sense of safety

A feeling of victory,

A feeling of victory

She was finally heard.



Addicted and depressed

Clean and happy

All she wanted was to break the cage.


She didn’t want to be


She didn’t want to


All she wanted was to be free.


To be free

A sense of hope,

A sense of hope

A feeling of certainty,

A feeling of certainty

Making a key.


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